So you want to buy a second hand
television. If you’re buying it from a store, it’s a familiar, tangible
experience. We’re conditioned to employ certain heuristics – the
location of the store, the behaviour of the salesman, the condition of the
product – in order to make informed decisions about the quality of the
What happens when you remove many of the
visual cues? This is the nature of buying, selling, and sharing on the
Internet. There is some comfort to be gained from the reputation of established
sellers; you know with a high degree of certainty that if you buy something
from Amazon or ASOS, you’re going to get what you paid for (and you can return
it if you don’t). However, in the rapidly growing field of collaborative consumption
(see previous post), substantial transactions are taking place between complete
strangers, which propels to the fore the most critical form of social currency
– reputation.
Consumers have long been able to check the trustworthiness
of merchants through reviews and ratings by users and professional critics.
Similarly, credit scores have allowed businesses to perform financial
background checks on potential customers. Yet in the world of peer-to-peer
(p2p) transactions, there is a need for a standardized method of assessing
personal risk that can be transferred across multiple sites and even into the
real world. It’s all part of what Rachel Botsman calls the “new reputation economy”.
Since the beginning of the Internet age,
people have been firmly in control of their online image. From inventing a
fictional representation in online games to curating a social media persona,
there has been nothing forcing people into creating accurate depictions,
because little of consequence has been at stake.
But now that we are requesting access into
peoples cars, homes, and lives, we are automatically leaving behind a
trail of data that builds an image of what we are really like.
Startups like Repify and have
already created offerings in the “portable reputation” realm. To an extent, you
are able to share or hide as much information about your online behaviour as
you like, but much like your offline reputation, a more complete picture is
only going to enhance your standing.
There are also offline consequences in this
new era of credentialing. Reputation is not only related to trustworthiness,
but also to factors like intelligence and emotional capacity. does exactly what it says in the title, and is driving students in
America towards classes with teachers that demonstrate particular passion,
clarity, or “hotness”. Lulu, a
new app for women, rates ex-boyfriends on a range of emotional and sexual
It may also impact the future of hiring.
Stack Overflow is a website for programming enthusiasts seeking answers
to complex questions. Those offering correct answers are awarded reputation
points, and are ranked on a global leaderboard. While these points are
seemingly worthless, programmers have been known to put their reputation scores
on their CVs, as it creates a more complete picture of their skills than a list
of education and work experience alone.
The implications for this are intriguing. A
poor reputation is going to be hard to escape, as it is linked directly to your
offline identity. Is it possible then, that we will see a decrease in dishonest
behaviour? No longer will it be an option to skip town in order to start a new
life, because your dodgy trust score will be following right behind you in the
Reputation portability will be a double-edged
sword. While it will reduce transaction costs by allowing buyers and sellers to
interact across multiple platforms without having to create a new presence with
each new service, a poor reputation could deny you access to many markets,
jobs, or relationships (much in the same way that a bad credit rating can haunt
you forever).
The more of our lives we put online, the
less we will be able to control them.
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