Friday, November 15, 2013

Do I consume the coffee or does the coffee consume me?

--> This is the question posed by the man with the very interesting ‘nue mode’ hairstyle (so eighties!). Watch out, the Existentialists are making a come back!

Aldi seem to have hit the spot with their new quirky campaign “Expressi Yourself for Aldi”.  What an unique and differentiated campaign for premium coffee capsules and with a great name to boot

Check it out here.

By using a range of stereotypical characters (i.e. easy ‘to get’ and ‘relate to’, albeit reinforcing some negative stereotypes - but hey, it’s advertising, a medium steeped in the science of heuristics), the agency has created a campaign with great cut-through and engagement. They have cleverly exploited a consumer perception that ‘you are what you drink’, especially when it comes to coffee. We suspect it leaves the audience wondering, which one am I and how can I get some of that?

It’s been a while since we have seen a campaign that uses adult humour without denigrating; we get that it is laughing with, not at, and what better way to create a collective sense of light-hearted caffeine ennui? Just laugh at the category – it’s not that serious after all.

Or is it?

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