E2E: the new world of ‘everything to everything’
It shouldn’t be news to anyone that with the rise and rise
of the sharing economy a seemingly endless stream of consumer experiences and
services are being delivered in new and disruptive ways each and every day.
Pioneers such as AirBNB, car share services, Kickstarter and Uber continue to
radically alter the supply and consumption of travel, car ‘rental’, project funding
and ride services, and more recent arrivals provide innovative ways and means
of accessing everything from fruit and vegetables to borrowing pets.
The sharing economy /
peer-to-peer business model continues to expand into more and more
manifestations of service and experience opportunities, disrupting traditional
ways of selling and delivering goods to consumers. As insight professionals,
it’s a phenomenon we’re all fascinated by and increasingly, an important
consideration in the innovations, customer experience and channel strategy research
we do. As a B2C, or more correctly, C2B2C model, it’s definitely here to stay
and will continue to impact and shape consumer behaviour for years to come.
But all of this got us thinking; if it’s such a great model for
delivering services to consumers, shouldn’t this ‘model’ of disruptive
innovation also become the new business logic – that is – the way we structure
and deliver our own businesses? Freedom from ownership is not just for
consumers, but can also be a boon for businesses. We noted the rise of
organisations such as WeWork – shared,
flexible office accommodation specifically geared for new generation
“entrepreneurs and freelancers” – from a small-scale New York start up to a global
operation about to launch in Sydney,
and it got us thinking about our own future business structure and resourcing
needs – what will Stancombe look
like as it evolves over the coming years? (Because we’ve never been an
organisation that sits still.)
We envisage ourselves as a place that offers highly flexible
connection, committed of course to a common purpose, discovery, innovation and outcomes,
but drawing heavily on collaboration on a project by project basis; working
with teams of long-established collaborators; building networks of
practitioners from various disciplines as needed; creating a place for
wide-ranging skills to cross-pollinate and work together towards solutions; and
offering a kind of temporary autonomous ‘zone’ in which a group of people are
dedicated to one or two particular challenges at a time. Once these solutions,
projects or challenges are complete – these groups are likely to dissipate …
until the next time.
This means that beyond the core of Stancombe, our business will
likely comprise of a range of individuals at any one given time (as it already
does to a certain extent); researchers of all kinds, videographers,
journalists, photographers, facilitators of all types, design thinkers, digital
artists, story-tellers, subject-experts and academics from a variety of
disciplines. We might even borrow the odd pet. In short, our model moves beyond
the current C2B2C or B2C2B loops and we find ourselves somewhere best described
as E2E; “everything to everything”. Surely the best place to be to tackle the
new research world of controlled instability, quick responsiveness,
flexibility, intuition, agility, imagination and creativity.
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